Agencies and Departments

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Our agencies and departments are equipped to get your business idea out of your head and into the marketplace. Learn how below.
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The organisation pursues development programmes and policies that foster development, sustainability, modernisation and growth in the MSME sector, an enabling business environment and cost-effective delivery of business development solutions to Micro, Small and Medium-size Enterprises (MSMEs) in Jamaica.
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The objective of the Companies Office of Jamaica is to foster trade and commerce through the registration and regulation of businesses and the provision of accurate information facilitated by a motivated workforce in an environment of trust and commitment to our stakeholders.
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The National Export-Import Bank of Jamaica (EXIM Bank) is Jamaica’s premier trade financing institution and the Caribbean’s first Export-Import Bank. It plays a fundamental role in national development by providing a wide range of financing instruments at competitive interest rates for the country’s productive sector.
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The NCRA is responsible for registering pre-packaged food establishments, registering imports and local manufacturers of goods for which compulsory standards exist, inspecting goods at the port of entry and in domestic market as well ass, undertaking responsibility of the verification of weighing and measuring devices used in traded and conducting petrol sampling.
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The services offered by and activities carried out by JIPO are geared towards enhancing the capacity of individual creators and innovators, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME’s), corporations and institutions, to create wealth through the acquisition and maintenance of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR’s).


Innovation ensures that a business stays competitive and acts as a leader in its industry. It allows for adaptability, fosters growth, and separates businesses from their competition. Here are a few of our agencies who can assist in aiding you to distinguish your business from others.
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The Bureau of Standards Jamaica is a statutory body under the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce (MIIC) to promote and encourage standardization in relation to commodities, processes and practices.
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Established in March 2007 as Jamaica’s national accreditation body, JANAAC commenced operations on April 1, 2008, and has developed a reputation for excellence, through the provision of world-class accreditation and technical training services to conformity assessment bodies (CABs) such as laboratories, inspection bodies, and certification bodies.
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The National Certification Body of Jamaica will provide affordable management systems certification activities and other certification services within Jamaica, the wider cariibean though committed and compellent personnel and a certification decision process-based mortality.


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We are the premier trade and investment promotions corporation representing the Government of Jamaica. Established as a statutory body under the JAMPRO Act, 1990, we promote business opportunities in export and investment to the local and international private sector.
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Trade Board
The Jamaica Trade Board is Jamaica’s certifying authority for goods exported under various trade agreements.
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The JSEZA is responsible for facilitating the development of and promoting investments in Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Jamaica. The Authority was established in 2016 under the Special Economic Zones Act.


All our agencies and departments were created with business growth in mind. So you may find that you need to access some repeatedly and others on occasion and even once. Here a few of our specialty agencies that are also here to support your business and investment needs.
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The Office of the Supervisor of Insolvency is largely responsible for business policy development, investment promotion, business support, monitoring and regulation.
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The Office of the Government Trustee is the Government of Jamaica’s low-cost solution for insolvency administration.
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The Department of Co-operatives and Friendly Societies (DCFS), an agency within the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce, continues its relentless pursuit of social equity and unity of purpose, which embrace the core values of decency, civility and co-operation.
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The Jamaica International Financial Services Authority (JIFSA) was established by statute in 2011 to market and promote Jamaica as a jurisdiction for international financial and business services. JIFSA’s mandate is centred on stimulating economic growth and encouraging investments within the Jamaican economy.
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The Authority’s mandate is focused primarily on the protection of people, property and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. This includes notifying the public of accidents or incidents involving nuclear and radioactive materials.
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The Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) was established in 2015 under the Dangerous Drug (Amendment) Act (DDA) with a specific role to establish and regulate Jamaica’s legal ganja and hemp industry.
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The Consumer Affairs Commission is an agency of the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce. It was established to inform, educate and empower consumers to protect themselves in the marketplace.
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The FSPID seeks to conduct all its services (i.e. inspection, disinfestation, laboratory analyses, and training and information dissemination) in an impartial manner. Whenever risks to impartiality are identified, steps will be taken to eliminate or mitigate such risks.
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The Fair Trading Commission (FTC) is the administrative body responsible for implementing the Fair Competition Act (FCA).
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The Anti-dumping and Subsidies Commission (Commission or ADSC) is an agency of the Ministry of Industry Investment and Commerce with responsibility for the administration of the trade remedies regime in Jamaica.